Operational information

Total available withdrawal and injection capacities

Values in the table are only indicative.

Date Total available withdrawal capacity (MWh/day) Total available injection capacity (MWh/day)
18.9.2024 97 142 42 824
17.9.2024 97 142 43 803
16.9.2024 97 142 42 859
15.9.2024 97 142 42 883
14.9.2024 97 142 42 743
13.9.2024 97 142 42 743
12.9.2024 97 142 42 743
11.9.2024 97 142 42 767
10.9.2024 97 142 42 804
Total contracted withdrawal and injection capacities

Values in the table are only indicative.

Date Total contractual withdrawal capacity (MWh/day) Total contractual injection capacity (MWh/day)
18.9.2024 82 142 42 824
17.9.2024 82 142 42 848
16.9.2024 82 142 42 859
15.9.2024 82 142 42 883
14.9.2024 82 142 42 743
13.9.2024 82 142 42 743
12.9.2024 82 142 42 743
11.9.2024 82 142 42 767
10.9.2024 82 142 42 804
Interrupted interruptible capacity and price
Date Withdrawals (MWh/day) Injections (MWh/day) Price
17.9.2024 0 0 0
Size of interrupted firm storage capacity
Date Withdrawals (MWh/day) Injections (MWh/day)
17.9.2024 0 0
Actual stock level and daily values of injection and withdrawal
Date Current capacity in MWh Withdrawals (MWh/day) Injections (MWh/day)
17.9.2024 4 496 746 72 4 823
Storage capacity
Year Total technical capacity (GWh) Contracted capacity (GWh)  Free capacity (GWh)
2024/25 4,909 4,909 0
2025/26 4,854 2,788 2,066
2026/27 4,854 375 4,479
Storage Development – Capacity and Outputs
 Storage Year  Working Gas Volume [GWh] Max. contractual withdrawals [GWh/day] Max. contractual injections [GWh/day]
2029 4,854 81 49
2028 4,854 81 49
2027 4,854 81 49
2026 4,854 81 49
2025 4,854 81 49
2024 4,909 82 49
2023 4,844 81 49
2022 4,486 81 49
2021 4,486 85 58
Shutdowns and maintenance
Shutdown date  Reduction in daily storage during the shutdown in %  Type of shutdown Note 
   Daily injections Daily withdrawals   
7.10. 06:00 - 1.11. 06:00 2024 unaffected 60% planned Investment optimization
17.6. 06:00 - 21.6. 06:00 2024 100% unaffected planned Corrective maintenance
14.5. 06:00 - 28.5. 06:00 2024 100% 100% planned Regular maintenance
Available daily firm/interruptible capacity
Date Daily Firm Rate Daily Interruptible Rate
Injection Withdrawal Injection Withdrawal
17.9.2024 0 -5 000 000 954 881 -10 000 001
18.9.2024 N/A N/A 0 -10 000 001
19.9.2024 0 -5 000 000 0 -10 000 001